Category: blog

Thought Thursday: Inspirational Characters

I’m tidying up the first book in my new series in preparation of sending it to the editor, and decided now was a good time to write the Author’s Note (while details are fresh in my mind). In writing it, I discovered the name of the delightful lady who will tempt the hero of book …

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Teaser Tuesday – Abundantly Clear

Deborah The sexes in each species of beings… are always true equivalents–equals but not identicals. Antoinette Brown Blackwell

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Fun Friday – Poki

One of our cats inspires a similar love-hate relationship. He’s into everything, constantly yowling to be let out, pees in shoes and on other things left on the floor when denied admittance to the outdoors forthwith, and uses our baseboards to sharpen his claws. Still, we let him live. Indoors. Even cuddle him. Like Poki, …

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Thought Thursday – Common Recovery

If you read Historical Romance, especially Britain-set Romance featuring Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, and the like, you’re likely familiar with settlements and entails, or the way the aristocracy preserved their hold on land, and thus wealth, by preparing sometimes strict legalese restricting the sale of property and limiting who could inherit said property upon the current …

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Word Wednesday – Paperback

E-Readers are growing in popularity, but there is still a strong base of hearty and dedicated paperback readers out there. It is to them I dedicate this post. Until last month, the only way to order a paperback version of my books was through Amazon. That is no longer the case. My Dear One and …

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Teaser Tuesday – Bare-fingered Women

As I mentioned in my last post, with book 3 in my Dear One series in the hands of my editor, I’m turning my attention to a novel I wrote a couple of years ago and set aside to focus on getting my Dear One series published. Here’s a teaser from this new WIP, which …

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Fun Friday: Taking up the Reins

Yes! I’m back in the proverbial saddle. As in, I sent My One True Love off to the editor, and now I’m taking up the revision reins on a completed novel I wrote some time back. I’m keeping it under wraps for now, but today’s research foray offers a hint in the following, from Charles …

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Thought Thursday – Self-Care

To ensure I don’t burn myself out, and because I have a book I’m trying desperately to get ready for market, I’ve decided to take an indefinite break from weekly blog posts.

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Review Wednesday – Thailand with the Tycoon **Bonus Author Interview**

“… fast-paced and for the most-part, light-hearted and fun. But also touching and heartfelt. I enjoyed it so much, I immediately pre-ordered… “

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Teaser Tuesday – Dizzying speed…

This will be the last Teaser Tuesday for a while, as I am taking an indefinite Social Media hiatus effective May 1, 2019 to focus on getting My One True Love to you. Deborah Only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road. ~Dag Hammarskjold

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