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Deborah’s latest novel:

Title: My One True Love
Author: Deborah Small
Publication Date: January 24th, 2021
ISBN: Print: 978-1-7753173-5-7
ebook: 978-1-7753173-4-0
Retail Price: USD – $4.99 ebook – $12.99 print
Available in: ebook paperback
Genre: Romance
A vow broken. Intention abandoned. True love always requires sacrifice… Widowed a second time, Margaret Sweeney battles ghosts from her past, and immediate threats to her future, as she struggles to rebuild her life from the ashes of yet another devastating loss in this emotional and heartfelt third book of the Dear One series.
Bios for re-use:
55-word bio:
Canadian author, Deborah Small, started her professional writing career with nonfiction articles published in Canadian Living Magazine and The Vancouver Province. Her first novel, My Dear One, was short-listed for Kobo’s Emerging Writer Award recognizing Canada’s best debut books of 2018. Married, Deborah resides with her husband and family in the Pacific Northwest.
95-word bio:
Deborah Small grew up on a hobby farm where her passion for reading, and all things furred and feathered, was indulged. When she wasn’t on horseback, or tending her critter menagerie, she was immersed in the fictional worlds of her favourite authors. After studying Criminal Justice, Deborah abandoned her plans for a career in law enforcement to stay home and raise her children, and write novels. Her first novel, My Dear One, was short-listed for Kobo’s Emerging Writer award recognizing Canada’s best debut books. Deborah lives with her husband and family in the Pacific Northwest.
125-word bio:
Canadian author, Deborah Small, was raised on a hobby farm where her passion for horses, books, and all furred and feathered creatures great and small, was indulged. After high school graduation, Deborah studied Criminal Justice, before abandoning her plans for a career in law enforcement to stay home and raise her four children, and write novels, something she doesn’t regret. Her first novel, Edwardian-set, My Dear One, was short-listed for Kobo’s Emerging Writer award recognizing Canada’s best debut books.
Deborah started her writing career with non-fiction parenting articles published in Canadian Living magazine, and the Vancouver Province. A proud Indie author of heartfelt romance, and a long-term member of the Romance Writers of America, she lives with her husband and family in the Pacific Northwest.
250-word bio:
Nancy Drew, The Black Stallion, and James Herriot’s veterinarian adventures, had Deborah Small—at different times in her life—contemplating a career as a private eye, horse trainer, and veterinarian. Ultimately, she decided to follow her heart—and in her favourite authors’ footsteps—and become an author.
Deborah grew up on a hobby farm surrounded by her beloved books, horses, cats, and dogs. Some of her favourite childhood memories revolve around visits to the cattle ranch her grandparents carved from British Columbia’s Cariboo-Chilcotin, where she was treated to hotcakes made on the woodstove, tea-biscuits fresh from the oven, and thrilling trips atop a stack of haybales wobbling dangerously on a horse-drawn sleigh piloted by her uncle, while her father sliced binder-twine and tossed loosed bales out for the bawling cows.
Deborah worked in construction, customer service, and studied Criminal Justice, before launching her writing career with non-fiction articles published in Canadian Living magazine, and the Vancouver Province. When her fourth child was a newborn, and with oodles of spare time on her hands, Deborah decided to pursue her dream—between diaper changes, of course. Twenty years—and thousands of diapers later—her debut novel, My Dear One, was short-listed by Kobo for their Emerging Writer Award recognizing Canada’s best new books.
A proud Indie author and Romance Writers of America member, Deborah resides with her family in the Pacific Northwest. Her favourite pastime as an adult is travelling with her husband in their RV that doubles as her mobile office.
Out January 24th, 2021

Twice widowed… Margaret Sweeney has no intention of marrying again. Her heart simply cannot withstand another loss. Besides, it’s a rare man that knowingly weds a barren woman, and she buried him. To honour his memory, she decides to dedicate herself to Sugar Hill, the tobacco plantation he left her. But when she meets overseer, Joe Banner, and his delightful daughter Maisie, all her plans to refrain from ever loving someone again, go awry…
Once bitten… Joe learned young the danger of romantic love with a woman, and vowed to never make that mistake again. For a decade he’s been true to his word. And then the new owner of Sugar Hill sweeps into his and Maisie’s carefully ordered lives and upends everything, including his resolve to remain aloof…
Three lives forever changed… Painful as it is to lose in love, it’s nothing compared to losing a child. And when Joe’s past and Margaret’s present conspire to threaten Maisie’s future, the couple will do whatever it takes to save her, even if it means giving up every precious last piece of their damaged hearts…