Deborah Anderson

Author. Reader. Chocolate Eater.

Author's posts

Weathering Life’s Storms

“Only the people we love are raised high enough in our consciousness to warrant fond or frivolous recounts of our most humiliating missteps months, or decades, later.”

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Signed Paperback Giveaway

Enter for a chance to win signed paperbacks!

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Soul Sunday – Enjoy the small moments

Friday was my third child’s birthday. He and his friends headed out to snowboard for the day and returned to our house for pizza and a wild game of Dominoes, before they all cabbed down to the local night club. After helping Hubs’s mom to bed, Hubs and I spent sat in front of my …

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Fun Friday – Stress Relief

Animals are known for their stress-reducing properties, and the following compilation of videos is a perfect example of why. Enjoy, and happy Friday! Deborah

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Thankful Thursday – Finding Rhythm

Family and medical crises, and big life changes, have a way of taking a person’s schedule and tossing it out the window. Thankfully, once the dust settles and new routines are established, a manageable rhythm emerges. Sort of. My mom has healed physically from her mastectomy, and seems to be coping well emotionally. She’s cheery, …

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Fun Friday – Pets and Giggles

I’m finishing up revisions on MOTL and leave you with a few pets and giggles to brighten your Friday. May you enjoy a beautiful weekend. Deborah Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of. ~Geri Weitzman

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Thankful Thursday – Happy Foot

The last few weeks I’ve had a nagging problem with one of my feet. Every time I power walk, I experience pain and discomfort in the ball of my foot where my second and third toes connect to the main part of my foot. At home, I have a hard time going sock foot, and …

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Writer Wednesday: Self Care

“When one’s brain shuts down when confronted with something that is usually routine, or that usually brings joy… “

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Remembrance: The Great War

“He and Phelps were stuck, literally, in the middle of a gun fight.”

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Teaser Tuesday – RELEASE DAY!

This is it my friends! A Darling for a Duke is now available. If you haven’t pre-ordered, please, grab your copy now!

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