Category: friends

Q is for Queries and Queens

Q-day in the A to Z Challenge and today, the theme is Queries and Queens. Yesterday I mentioned the complexities of human behavior and emotions, how motivation is different for different people, how different people cope with similar situations, how novelists strive to write engaging—saleable—books. Today I share how one woman helped me cope when …

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Photo: Copyright, Deborah Anderson Life is turbulent.                                            From the first crushing instant of our birth when we’re squeezed squalling from the warm liquid cocoon of the womb into the glaring clamor of oneness, we are struggling to adapt. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, breast milk, and lovers and friends when we’re older—much older—offer guidance and support, but they do …

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Ask, And Ye Shall Be Answered

So, I’ve been tossing around the idea of whether I need a website. Well, maybe not need, so much as, would it be beneficial to have one? A fellow author, and friend, advised me, yes. She believes the fact she had a website–despite the lack of a book contract at the time–played a part in her securing a …

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Be Well

Four days ’til Christmas, and I am not ready. Seriously. And I have absolutely no excuse. Christmas comes around the same time every year. December 25th. Without fail. And still, I am not ready. I am not alone. There are others like me. Scrambling, fretting, tense and frustrated, teeth ground to nubbins because there is so …

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Dino to Dynamo!

I did it. I caved. I upgraded my old Pantech for–gasp–a Blackberry. I swore I never would. I also swore I’d never remarry again. Or move to a red-neck town like this. I lied. Photo: Telus Mobility Twitter. Facebook. Text. Email. All from my phone. And only $10.00 mo more than I was paying for …

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Sorted out, sort of.

Twitter issues seem to be resolved. Still wondering where my fave Blog list went. I’ll work on restoring that tomorrow. Today is booked for a 65th birthday celebration that we’re hosting, which means domestic chores and wine rule the day. Speaking of wine, ensure you keep an eye on Tawna Fenske’s blog – She signed …

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