Ergonomics and Heat

Frustrated by continued pain when I write, I took some time today to scout around a variety of stores for a possible solution. I believe I found two. Well, actually, I bought three things, but I haven’t cracked the wine yet, so I can’t speak to its value. But the ergonomic keyboard and cape-style heating …

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Still Kickn’

Just a brief note to say, Yes. I am alive. And working on getting well. I’m tolerating about 30 mins of computer work, no more than twice a day, and with a loooong break doing something slow-paced and non-repetitive between sessions. To learn more about the under-recognized but very real dangers inherent to computer work–especially pro-longed, …

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Body-cology: things I wish I’d known

You  may not know this, but…humans are not meant to sit for long periods of time. Unfortunately, in our increasingly tech-advanced, and motoring world, that is exactly what we do. And now we’re paying the price. Or I am, at least. And a major contributor to my current physical issues–improper desk/chair ergonomics. The chair I’ve …

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Dino to Dynamo!

I did it. I caved. I upgraded my old Pantech for–gasp–a Blackberry. I swore I never would. I also swore I’d never remarry again. Or move to a red-neck town like this. I lied. Photo: Telus Mobility Twitter. Facebook. Text. Email. All from my phone. And only $10.00 mo more than I was paying for …

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Was it in your eyes when you were born; Or did it develop through the years; That steely glint of the strength within Honed sharp as a razor on whetted stone? Ramrod spine and head held high, To battle do you march; Once an infant sweet and soft, Now a soldier trained to fight. To land, …

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Uniquely Yours

We’re often urged to “be ourselves”, encouraged to shake off social pressure from peers and social media to be pretty/smart/responsible/thoughtful/creative/financially fit/healthy–you name it, we’ve been inundated with direct and direct messages to whiten our teeth/lose weight/self-tan/buy an iPhone, yadda-yadda-yadda–and it’s HARD. Hard to separate the incoming messages from inner messages and choose the ones that make us unique. It’s no different …

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One of the great things about being a writer, is meeting and learning from other writers, authors who may not be internationally well-known like Nora Roberts, or Nelson DeMille, but whose talent knocks your socks off, writers like Joanna Bourne.   Attacked on a rainy London street, veteran spy Justine DeCabrillac knows only one man can save her: Hawker, her …

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Sneaky Bastard

One of my writing friends, Linda, writes a weekly blog at the Debutante Ball (a blog showcasing new authorial talent). This week she’s sharing her writerly fears. Funny thing is her fears are my fears. And many other writers’ fears. One fear Linda did not note, that I have, is that my long-suffering spouse will …

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Dump Day – Adjectives

A very hip writer friend, Linda Grimes, posts a weekly Hump Day laugh. I’ve decided to honor her tradition with a Dump Day post. What is Dump Day? Dump Day is my favorite day of the week. Usually a Saturday, it’s the day our weekly collection of garbage and recycling is loaded and taken to, …

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SiWC Bound – Yeehaw!

The Surrey Writer’s Conference was my first writer’s conference. It is one of the best in North America. Certainly in Canada. Many talented authors, and A-List agents attend. It’s a great educational venue for the budding, and tenured writer. More importantly, it is a fabulous place to meet, and make friends. Wonderful, amazing, talented, and genuinely nice people, like these: Kathy …

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