Category: wisdom

Friday Round Up

Well, it’s been a busy week. And a good week. I created more pages on my website, and I started reviewing (and editing, of course, because I can’t read without fixing) the sequel to Everything That Matters. All That Matters is about 3/4 complete (245 pages or so) and I haven’t looked at it in …

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Y is for Yippee! and You

Second to last day of the A to Z Challenge, and I am almost all lettered out. And totally chuffed. I decided to sign up for A to Z to challenge myself—no, to prove to myself, that I was better. Healed. Well enough to pick up the stiff, dry and cracked reins of my authorial dreams, get …

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U is for Unicorns

Wow. I can’t believe I’m already at letter U in the A to Z Challenge. And I am so grateful to have made it thus far, especially given the last year (or two) (which I will not recap here, focused as I am on what I can make of the present, and future, rather than …

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T is for Trends and Target Market

A to Z Challenge letter T… Vampires. Cowboys. Shape shifters. Shape-shifting cowboys and vampires. Sweet. Sexy. Erotic. Down-home and jet-setting; traditional, e-pub, and Indie. The latest trend in Romance novels is…everything, and anything. Traditional publishing rules—whereby editors and Houses decide what readers want and then publish accordingly—no longer apply, not in a tech-savvy world where …

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R is for Rating Rejection

End of week three of the A to Z Challenge and we’re on letter R, for Rating Rejection. Because I’m traveling, and access to wi-fi spotty, I decided to reissue an old post, which adds to yesterday’s discussion on reentering the query gauntlet…There is such a thing as rejection excellence. Or an excellent rejection. What makes …

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Q is for Queries and Queens

Q-day in the A to Z Challenge and today, the theme is Queries and Queens. Yesterday I mentioned the complexities of human behavior and emotions, how motivation is different for different people, how different people cope with similar situations, how novelists strive to write engaging—saleable—books. Today I share how one woman helped me cope when …

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P is for Pickle Jar

My first day in Crim 105, otherwise known as Psychological Explanations of Crime, the professor asked us to describe our “profile” of a criminal, in particular, a murderer. The descriptions varied from tattooed gangster, to child molester, assaultive stepfather, car-jackin’ junkie, and accident-causing drunk driver. Our professor smiled and nodded with each—predictable—presumption, and then she …

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M is for Mondays

A to Z Challenge letter: M. Mondays… I recall grade eight, the year I entered high school, as the year Monday mornings emerged from an endless blur of days to something sharp, uncomfortable, the first cut in a series of five cuts patched on weekends, the delicate wounds reopened the following Monday. High school is never …

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J is for James Lee Burke

Today’s A to Z Challenge letter is J, and today’s topic, James Lee Burke. By far, one of my most revered authors is James Lee Burke. His talent is unmatched. His novels poetic. His characters memorable. I don’t recall how I stumbled upon his work, I am only glad I did. If you’ve not read …

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G is for Gratitude

A to Z Challenge day 7. Letter G. I received a phone call today. The caller asked if everything was okay; I was behind two letters. And in that call, the essence of this post: Gratitude. The A to Z Challenge allows for one day off–Sundays–so I am not a day behind, and today’s letter …

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