Category: change

K is for Kismet

K is today’s A to Z Challenge letter, and today’s theme: Kismet. From Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary: Kismet (kis´met, -met, kis´-), n, fate; destiny. Also, kismat (kiz´mət, kis´-), [1840-50; Turk, Pers qismat, Ar qismahdivision, portion, lot, fate, akin to qasamato divide]. Kismet, as a word, has existed since the mid-19thcentury; I suspect kismet as a …

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D = Debutantes and Daughters

Day 4 of the A to Z Challenge… The heroine of my novel, Everything That Matters, eagerly anticipates her debut. Daughter of a British earl, it is her birthright, a rite of passage she not only welcomes, but believes is crucial to her success. Unfortunately—or fortunately depending on whether you believe, as I do, that today’s tragedy …

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Photo: Copyright, Deborah Anderson Life is turbulent.                                            From the first crushing instant of our birth when we’re squeezed squalling from the warm liquid cocoon of the womb into the glaring clamor of oneness, we are struggling to adapt. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, breast milk, and lovers and friends when we’re older—much older—offer guidance and support, but they do …

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