Deborah Anderson

Author. Reader. Chocolate Eater.

Author's posts

Hump Month, and a Contest!

February is to me, what Wednesday is to the five-day work-week crew: Hump Month. My final blustery and icy hurdle, before spring melt. I just have to keep moving. Which isn’t always easy. But I have a few tricks that help me cope until warmer, brighter days arrive… Starbucks Caramel Macchiato. There is just something …

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Snowy Sunday and Newsletter Musing

It’s a snowy last Sunday of the month. Where I am, at least. And I’m enjoying a quiet day watching the snow fall, while catching up on laundry. I’m also preparing to learn more about MailChimp and newsletter preparation. I don’t have a newsletter yet; I struggle to think of what I might include in …

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Enjoyed a good discussion with one of my children today, regarding friends. Specifically, how to manage competing interests. One friend wants to do one thing, another something else, and another nothing at all; how to balance that to please the majority, while also remembering to prioritize personal well-being. Good question. And one I hardly feel …

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Staying Bright in the Darkest Month

January is difficult for many people.  Cold. Blustery.  Short on daylight. It’s the trifecta of depression. Or SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder is no joke. It hampers some people’s ability to function. Insomnia. Fatigue. Apathy… I used to be hit hard every winter. My mood sank in direct relationship to the declining hours of sunlight. My …

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I’m afraid Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter distracted me from my blog and website. It’s so easy to tap out a couple words, or post a quick snapshot from the smartphone, that it’s even easier to neglect something that requires logging in and… thinking. And I’m thinking that needs to change.  At the Surrey International Writer’s Conference …

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And then there are grandmas.

There are grandmas. And then there are grandmas. My maternal grandmother was of the latter variety. Soft in all the right places, gentle, quiet, she was the rock of the family. I loved her dearly. To me, she was Mum-mum, my name for her from the time I was toddler and she used to look …

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Little Man

I held my firstborn grandchild for the first time this week. It was surreal. Looking into his face, I saw my firstborn son, and I was once more an over-joyed–and terrified–new mother. Tiny fingers. Tiny toes. Tiny, but strong nose and chin hinting at the strong-willed, and capable man he would become. Silky smooth skin …

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Flour, butter, sugar…

One of the most powerful—and protective—tools humans possess is their ability to smell. That sickly-sweet odor that warns you not to eat decomposing meat? The musky warm scent that inspires you to nibble your husband’s neck resulting in, less than a year later, the delicate milky-baby scent that compels you to nurture your newborn? Wood …

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Best laid plans…

My plan today was to tidy the house and dive into WIP edits; after a full weekend helping husband with roof-related project following a couple of days caring for my nieces, I was eager to catch up on writing-related work. Then hubs needed help with morning errands. We made it home shortly before noon. Still …

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Website woes and wins!

What’s a writer to do when she ships WIPs to Beta-readers? Update, or in my case, build an entirely new website. My old website was on Weebly. But I purchased Managed WordPress and a dot com address through a different provider, so… Unable to port my Weebly site (easily in a way I could manage …

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